Class Descriptions


This class is all about rhythm and happy feet.  Dancers will learn a variety of ways to articulate their feet to create many different percussive sounds and will be exposed to multiple styles of tap.  


Ballet training gives students training in strength, poise, grace, and condition along with music appreciation.  Dancers will learn proper alignment, positions, turnout, posture, and movement vocabulary.  Classes include both work at the ballet barre and center floor work.  


Jazz is a modern interpretation of ballet.  Dancers will learn proper jazz technique including body placement, rhythmic exercises, jumps, turns, tricks, kicks, floor work, and transition steps.  Dancers will dance to quick tempo beats and the choreography will be full of dramatic accents and fun.  


Hip hop is a form of street dance that is full of energy, spunk and personality.  Dancers will learn how to isolate different parts of their body while making movements strong and filled with personality.  


Contemporary dance focuses on expression during movement. Students will learn different dance concepts such as suspension, release, contraction, and weight shifting. Students will dance to music with more dramatic movements to show emotions.  



Tumbling focuses on teaching students the basics of floor gymnastics. Students will learn how to perform skills such as cartwheels, somersaults, hand stands, bridges, and back bends.


ACRO dance focuses on the combination of dance and acrobatic elements. Students will use strength and flexibility to perform gymnastic based tricks combined into a dance routine. Students will learn skills such as chin stands, walk overs, bridges, back bends, cartwheels, hand stands, and more.